Blog, Cylance PROTECT, IT Security, Digitalera, Cylance, All, Endpoint Security, Cybersecurity solutions, cybersecurity, DigitalEra Group
Award recognizes Digitalera as a solution provider for CylancePROTECT®, the industry’s first AI-driven pre-execution endpoint security product. DigitalEra, a premier IT security technology provider in South Florida, [...]
Blog, Events, Key Security Events
This year’s conference “Now Matters” will explore new approaches to info security, with the latest technology and top security leaders and pioneers. Hands-on sessions, keynotes and informal gatherings allow attendees to [...]
República Dominicana Seguridad Informática, Bahamas Seguridad de TI, Caribbean & Latin America Security, Latin American Cybersecurity, Saint Maarten Seguridad Informática, Chile Seguridad, Financial Institutions, Blog, Trusted Security Advisor, LogRhythmn, Dominica Seguridad Informática, Government Agencies, Curazao Seguridad, Guyana Seguridad Informática, Montserrat Seguridad TI, Threat Lifecycle Management, Honduras Seguridad Tecnológica, Barbados Seguridad Cibernética, Managed Security, Belice Ciberseguridad, Argentina Seguridad Informática, Digital Logistix, Colombia Seguridad de la Información, Healthcare Security, IT Intelligence, Granada Seguridad Cibernética, Log Management, Antigua y Barbuda Seguridad, Seguridad en TI en Islas Caimán, All, Patrick Dyer, Ecuador Tecnología de la Información Seguridad, Nicaragua Seguridad Informática, Caribbean Cybersecurity, Guatemala Seguridad TI, Seguridad Cibernética en Haití, México Seguridad Informática, Bolivia Seguridad Informática, SIEM, El Salvador Tecnología de la información Seguridad, DigitalEra Group, Jamaica Tecnología de la Información Seguridad, Rudy Piekarski, Data Protection, Brasil Seguridad Cibernética, Seguridad de TI en Costa Rica
Partnership Delivers LogRhythm’s Patented, Award-winning Platform and Cybersecurity Technologies to Digital Logistix Clients.
Blog, DigitalEra Sponsored Events, All, Events
DigitalEra is proud to sponsor the 2017 SFISSA Hack The Flag and Chili Cookoff. This year’s event will take place at the Graham Center Ballroom on the campus of FIU in Miami on Saturday August 19th. Capture the Flag
Blog, McAfee, security check, Assessments, McAfee Assessment, All, security assessment, Endpoint Security, DigitalEra Assessment, DigitalEra Group
New malware is emerging every day. Ransomware attacks are on the rise. At the same time, the numbers and types of devices accessing your data are growing fast. How smart are your endpoints? Are they automated to detect [...]
Coral Gables, Blog, Jim Cason, Digitalera, James Cason, All, Al Gore, Events, CNN Town Hall, Sea level rise, DigitalEra Group
Jim Cason DigitalEra board member
Miami Cybersecurity, Caribbean & Latin America Security, Blog, TrapezoidFIVE, Jim Cason, Digitalera, All, Jose Gonzalez, Firmware Controls, Firmware Protection, Florida Cybersecurity, Trapezoid Inc, DigitalEra Group
DigitalEra Group, has announced the appointment of two new members to its Board of Directors, James C. Cason and José E. González.
Blog, All, Events
The Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit was designed for individuals in the following roles: CIOs, CSOs, CISOs, CROs, CPOs and their teams, Business continuity and IT disaster recovery managers, Governance, risk [...]
Packet Ninja, Blog, DigitalEra Sponsored Events, LogRhythm, IT Security, Digitalera, Network Monitoring, LogRhythm Webinar, Events, DigitalEra Group, DigitalEra Webinar
When attackers compromise the perimeter, or are operating from within, you need to know. You can only stop attackers from gaining a foothold in your network to expand their presence if you can see them . The indicators [...]
Blog, DigitalEra Sponsored Events, LogRhythmn, Ransomware Detection, LogRhythmn Webinar, All, Ransomware Webinar, Events, DigitalEra Webinar
You’re invited to join us for the first in a series of webinars sponsored by DigitalEra and presented by LogRhythmn “ Reducing the Time To Detect Ransomware in your Network”. Over the past three years, ransomware has [...]